Posted on May 7th 2015
Minibeast Update
The children's exciting work around the study of minibeasts has continued this week.
This week the children read the story ‘Spider Sandwiches’ and really enjoyed the descriptive language. On Tuesday they looked at a sandwich that Max the character had eaten, it was gooey, red and had crunchy mini-beasts inside! As part of thjeir English work, the children have been learning about speech marks and speech bubbles.
During free flow, the children have been able to put their speech into speech bubbles, including sentences with red words! We have enjoyed doubling and recording our learning using our own methods.
Some further exciting news took place today when one of our caterpillars turned into a butterfly. Fortunately the children have learned about the life cycle of a butterfly so they were able to talk about the events and use their sounds to write about what they had noticed.