Archive / December 2014
I Belong is a campaign to encourage girls into computer science. At HPAMA we have two female computing groups - Year 4 & 6 and Year 3 & 5. The club will cover a variety of different computing skills including understanding of algorithms and designing their own programme. pic.twitter.com/k0QCHbXkq0
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A definite highlight of the HPAMA calendar is our annual visit from CJ The Storyteller. The children (and staff!) really enjoy listening to CJ, smiling and laughing throughout as he tells his interactive and extremely engaging stories. pic.twitter.com/9KW7jCab6j
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Herat Month Charity Day. The children & staff came to school in red sports clothes with each year group partaking in fitness sessions. The day was full of raising awareness of the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle in order to have a healthy heart whilst raising money ❤️ pic.twitter.com/BSSvhrTgtn
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Happy National School Governors’ Awareness Day🎉 A huge thank you to all the dedicated school governors here at HPAMA for your hard work, support and commitment to shaping a brighter future for our students. We appreciate everything you do 💜 pic.twitter.com/l6bQUnJALD
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Today, Year 1 had a fantastic Dinosaur Workshop experience. They were taught about fossils and got to be palaeontologists as they searched for different dinosaur artefacts and fossils. pic.twitter.com/QRflxpX7Dj
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Reception this week - fun and engaging lessons including working together in their classes to build a brick wall and a Dance lesson learning a routine to music based on Chinese New Year. pic.twitter.com/TlmUYO7Xph
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A fun-filled day of parent dance workshops, a tasty lunch in a specially decorated hall, Year 4 dragon dance lesson & a fantastic Community Evening with food, music & crafts to mark Chinese New Year. A huge thank you to Mrs Lucy, our Mandarin teacher for organising a great day. pic.twitter.com/gEcKThF0mj
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We began our week of marking Chinese New Year in school by holding a Chinese Calligraphy Workshop for parents. Thank you to all those that attended 🇨🇳🐍 pic.twitter.com/8A5kT64eM4
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The Nursery children had a wonderful experience today, when a train driver came to visit Butterflies class. She spoke about her job role, the types of trains, equipment used, buying tickets and safety whilst at the station and on the trains. pic.twitter.com/tXTyH0Brxi
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Year 5 had a fantastic experience, learning about all things Science when the ‘Science Boffins’ visited Mayflower last week. They had lots of fun whilst listening and watching some amazing experiments before being able to get hands on and take part in their own experiments! pic.twitter.com/beOOoNhYMo
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The Gardening Club have been busy at the allotment ensuring everything is prepped & ready for the upcoming warmer months. They received a new bench to extend their seed sowing & cuttings area & along with the eco council are making plant pots and labels out of recycled items. pic.twitter.com/rx3WjwoRhO
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Well done to our Mayflower Athletics team who took part in this years Sports Hall Athletics competition. 27 primary schools took part and we came 2nd 🥈🏆👏🏻 pic.twitter.com/o9caOv99zV
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Year 4 took part in a Bikeability session, learning and practicing skills to enable them to safely and confidently ride their bikes on the road 🚴 pic.twitter.com/oV0tMJjhYP
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he Gardening Club have two new beds - Bee Team and Fruit Force. These teams are so enthusiastic for their new projects. They have been selling a potted daffodils for 50p to raise money to help make their new projects a success. The pride on the children's faces is immeasurable. pic.twitter.com/oOQfkNm5aL
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Today we are very proud to announce that we have maintained our OUTSTANDING grading WITH no areas of improvement!!! pic.twitter.com/cY7M5L4A4Q
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This week Reception have been looking at the artist Kandinsky and were inspired by his painting, Squares with Concentric Circles and created their own version of the painting using oil pastels. pic.twitter.com/NqShRsWseI
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Reading is a huge part of Harris Mayflower. Reading for enjoyment is encouraged and developed as the children progress throughout the school. From learning phonics in Nursery to reading inspiring texts in Year 6. The progression is always amazing to witness! pic.twitter.com/KY7kS0Q3jj
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Wow!! A very enjoyable but busy Christmas at Harris Mayflower 🎅🏼🎄 Wishing all our families a Merry Christmas & a Peaceful New Year. pic.twitter.com/EMZDa8obKT
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Christmas music, crackers, party hats and a delicious dinner. Over 800 Christmas dinners were served to our children 🥳😋🎅🏼🎄 Thank you to all our staff that helped make this happen today! pic.twitter.com/QqQwOiCgNQ
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Two special visitors flew into school today! All children from Nursery to Year 6 had the opportunity to meet two of Santa’s magical helpers - Blitzen and Dasher 🦌 ✨ It was lovely to see all the children’s faces as they saw the reindeer spreading Christmas cheer!🎅🏼🎄 pic.twitter.com/h329t6SKNw
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